Sandford B. Sugarman Memorial Fund for Continuing Dental Education
Annual dental symposiums receive support through this fund.
Established in 1980, the Sandford B. Sugarman Memorial Fund for Continuing Dental Education provide dental symposiums in memory of Sandford B. Sugarman.
The symposiums are provided under the direction of the Dean of the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine.
The School of Dental Medicine is a pioneer in the field—a research titan, and a shining example of the best of dental education, community engagement and global leadership. Maintaining our lead is expensive. Increasing our lead requires a $43 million investment, more visionary donors and additional philanthropic support. But the payoff is immense: With your help, our world-class research, education, clinical facilities and experiences will better prepare our students, redefine and strengthen dental medicine, and improve the health of countless millions of people.
Other Dental Medicine Funds
Third-year dental students with demonstrated commitment and academic success receive scholarships through this fund.
Fourth-year dental students receive financial support through this fund.
Help provide training and preventive care for refugees and host communities in need around the world through this fund.
Support initiatives and programs throughout the School of Dental Medicine through this fund.
Strong spirit, character and helpfullness define the dental students who receive this award.
This fund supports clinical excellence in UB's prosthodontic post-graduate program.
Support upgraded spaces and equipment for orthodonics students, faculty, staff and patients through this fund.
Honoring the memory of a dedicated staff member, this fund provides annual scholarships for dental students.
Named for a world-renowned researcher, this fund supports a forum for discussions regarding oral and general health.
This fund supports summer research for dental students in periodontics and endodontics.
Support didactic and clinical training for dental students, surgery residents and graduate students through this fund.
Second- and third-year dental students receive scholarships through this fund.
World-renowned experts in orthodontics speak at UB through the support of this fund.
This fund supports a student-led organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people around the world.
This fund provides general scholarships to students throughout the School of Dental Medicine.
Annual dental symposiums receive support through this fund.
Dental students demonstrating conscientiousness in studies, helpfulness and charity receive support from this fund.
Students in the Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences in the School of Dental Medicine receive support through this fund.
Graduate students within the department receive critical financial support for their research through this fund.
Third-year dental students with strong academic credentials and character receive scholarships through this fund.
Help improve the quality of healthcare throughout Western New York by supporting this fund.
Support the betterment of UB's dental school through this fund.
News from the School of Dental Medicine
Through her own experiences, Mirdza Neiders, PMCert '74 knew the importance of women receiving a college education. Now, she's giving back to elevate women in academics even further.
BUFFALO, N.Y. – In honor of the late Robert Genco, DDS, PhD, a longtime professor and prolific researcher in the University at Buffalo's School of Dental Medicine, multinational oral health care company Sunstar Group has donated $1 million to establish a new endowed fund in Genco's name.
BUFFALO, N.Y. – The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine and university spinoff OptiMed Technology were awarded a $50,000 manufacturing grant from the Jeff Lawrence Innovation Fund to accelerate the development of their products to the market.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — For one day in February, the halls of the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine will be filled with the excited laughs and smiles of schoolchildren.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — The University at Buffalo has donated more than 200 reusable 3D-printed face masks and 100 face shields to the Buffalo City Mission for distribution to its clients and staff.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Suramin, a 100-year old drug used to treat sleeping sickness, has been repurposed to fight oral mucositis and diabetic foot ulcers, according to University at Buffalo-supported research.
Family members of Samuel A. Caccamise (DDS '26) have gathered together to honor their father by giving a significant gift to name an operatory after him.
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